Saturday, November 5, 2011

GTI me now...

God damn, it's almost end of 2011. And god damn how I've neglected blogging, again.

Well, at least I know what I want in 2012.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

KL bits 7 - Holy crap on a cracker, I'm overweight!

Just got a new bathroom scale, and I'm currently 74kgs. With my 165cm height, my BMI is at 27.2 and that only means that I'm overweight. Need to get it down to 18-24 range. Maybe start with less bak kut teh?
Also want to start exercising more, was just speaking to TriStupe on getting myself started with an entry level bike. Let's hope I find one too. Maybe this?

Time to re-program my mp3 player with workout tunes.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

KL bits - NYE 2011

It's great to be back!
4 sekawan among other usual suspects for countdown NYE 2011.

Fireworks from Blastmaster (thanks to an ex college mate back in the days, Krishna Moorthy & Co. handled the event).

p/s. pics poached from Eugene's collection of shots.